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This blog is created for myself to pen down how i feel and my ideas about things happening around.

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Lee Zi Hao
Badminton is my life
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    Saturday, September 24, 2005

    today want to talk about 2 article i have read before during my gp lesson which makes alot of sense. First, i was given this speach by steve job to read. For those who don't know who he is, let me introduce to you. Steve job is the ceo ofa brand i like alot, that is apple. His life is a great experience and very inspiring. He have been sacked by his company that he started with nothing but he strive on and never give up and pursuit on for greateer heights. That is why he is who he is today. A great ceo who owns apple, pixar and next. A great guy i really respect alot. He is not the best student and never fancy studying that much but he still goes on and did great achievements with just his hobbies. I really wish i can be like him, with what i like i can make it big. Studying is also never what i am good at. I rather learn computing and create my own game or a search engine that can earn alot overnight. This is really what i am good at. Sorry but i have to say, studying is for those who don't know how to enjoy and are just plain stupid because they have never experience how the world is like and how it operates. I will provide a good example. During my secondary times, my teachers will always say that express students are only good at text. what ever they do they will find the answer from books with them, they can't survive. I don't belive him at first because i thought they are just comforting that is not the case, it is true that without text reference they will die. This thursday some pure science student came into our gp lesson and guess what, they are those smart people that can't live without books.when our teacher ask a general question, they only know how to give example from the text and not what is expected, from their own experience.
    Another article is from sunday times, A toast to friendship. It is really true. I can really feel what the writer is writing. I have experience it before.Now i know that i am not alone.It says that people nowadays make friends for a reason. No one make friend just purely for a friendship. Also in this fast pace world, no one have the time to maintain and deveolop a true friendship. Sad to say for christians this is also the case. They are all very selfish who only care about themselves. They also make friends with those who benefit them and you can see when they don't know any particular person, it is because he knows that the person cannot benefit him or that he don't know how he can benefit himself.This is the reason why God want to destroy this world. Where is the love? People are only protecting himself and not taking care of others. sometimes i feel that i am very stupid because i always consider how people around me is feeling. Sometimes i should just ignore it and live a life that is what i really want....

    zihao blogged at 9/24/2005 09:44:00 AM

    Monday, September 19, 2005

    today is monday, the day i like. It is a short day from 0930 to 1330 then can go home liao. But in the morning got caught in a big rain and was totally wet. thank god there is a lady that offered her umbrella for me and this girl but was only to the next block. Anyway got drench in the rain also.make no difference. Than when reaching near the school when we were about to cross over to school, a counsellor came over with an umbrella. Thank god man. Or else will be duck in the soup(translate to chinese. In class know that our geography teacher is not in school. A great blessing man.Thank god she never came or else will be bored by her in the first lesson. She is mad i tell you. Give work like nobody's business. Than went off at 1330. But still got so many work to do. Don't know how people survive in jc? This kind of life is not one for me. some more wednesday and thursday still got make up lesson. Thursday itself is a long day and still got make up lesson, don't know what time can go home. If i am in poly i will be having my break liao. But now still have to prepare for exam.Got to study and study. Best is can get the exam over and done with and pass the promo and go up to year two and have my holiday which will surely be interupted by school. Why do our school have such stupid regulation that we have to go back even during the holidays? Why do we have to have so many HOD which is single? If they are not then we will have more breaks and more holidays liao.sian. Got to plan out a nice holiday schedule for me to enjoy. study sucks. Why got people even like studying?

    zihao blogged at 9/19/2005 07:08:00 PM

    Sunday, September 04, 2005

    holiday starts liao.don't really have the holiday really.have to go back to school on tuesday, wednesday, thursday and saturday.than got alot of work to do and have to study for exam that is to have to plan my time and to play at the same time.after this week don't really have the time liao.need to be more determind at this because i don't want to fail and retain.if i do i would go to poly instead. also must study for my a math, i only like did very few chapter only.too slow liao must study faster or else can't finish in to make full use of this week and study and prepare myself for the exam to got to state everything out first or else i won't keep my promise one. all this goes inside my little notebook. also got to play at the same time because after this week will not have anytime left to to find cheap and enjoyable fun cause now i am like broke.tomorrow maybe if can will go out but don't know who free lei? everyone have school. shouldn't choose jc in the first is like being isolated by everyone.whenever i am free, they are not and when i am busy they are free.what a stupid life.exam exam test and test.this is like nearing o level like that.why is life never what we wanted? now when i examine myself, i am beginning to feel that i am back to the way i was.the hack care kid who don't bother about anyone and knows no rule.that is the me that i want to leave behind me.isit because of all the studies? have not been studying for don't know how many years have to put every thing aside and starts studying.putting all my trust in god and listen to him. many a times been told to not join the rest and i always found that it benefit me in one way or now i am more sensitive to the holy spirit.not to do things just because my friends are doing it.people, next week want to study or play please call me let me know. if can i will join you all.lets see if i can make this week well spend or will it be another boring holiday...

    zihao blogged at 9/04/2005 05:54:00 PM