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This blog is created for myself to pen down how i feel and my ideas about things happening around.

About Me

Lee Zi Hao
Badminton is my life
constantly searching for a close friend


Tag heuer watch
mountain bike
new school bag
yonex shb90m shoe
new racquet
more clothes
more money
new shoes
new wallet
better friends


*find a close friend*more money*more ministry*better academic results*a new bike*go on a holiday*better relationship with god*more prayerful life


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    Monday, January 02, 2006

    2006… what do I want to achieve in this new year? Resolution? Saying is easier than doing and hope usually is not reality.
    For a student like me, everything that people think about is your studies. So, I will start with my education. An old student like me, I just hope that I can quickly finish my education and maybe go private and get my As this year and get my studies out of my life. Maybe I will even go and study physiology because I think I am very interested in it. People doesn’t go around asking people how is their results or how is your studies when you are out in the society. So from the beginning until now, I don’t think grades is that important. Even if you are really so good in your studies, so what? It doesn’t mean that it will make you a great person.
    As a Christian, I hope that I can grow spiritually and be closer to God. Not to rely on man but on God. Man fails but god never. Man is weak but God is strong. We have to stay focus on the word of God and not to listen to man. We should only do what we are instructed and not to go around stepping into things we shouldn’t. I hope that I can finish reading the bible in this year and truly grasp the teaching of God. God blessed those who truly obey and does His work. So I do not want favor of man but favor of God.
    I hope that in this new year, I will be able to manage my finance better and have more to use and to spend. Also be able to save up for my dream vacation at a peaceful isolated beach. In 2005, I didn’t spend my money wisely and I regard not saving up more.
    I also hope that I can train up my body in this 2006. Build up my stamina and strength. Also to get more tanned. Due to my many years of badminton, I did not get much of the sun and I hope that I can look darker because I look better and slimmer when I am dark.
    As for friends, I hope that with a new class, I am able to find some good friends and maybe a girlfriend. Hope that the girls will not be too bad looking. Also that my old friends will come back for the holidays and we can gather together to chat and even meals together. As for my friends now, I have never forgotten about all of you. We can still haven lunch or even dinner together but no playing of food. Where ever the place, if the food is nice, I will go. We can even go for some fun during the weekends. For ‘some’ closer friend and you know who you are, I will do anything with you. You all have the priority.

    zihao blogged at 1/02/2006 06:00:00 PM

    Sunday, January 01, 2006

    I am inspired by a friend that leads to this article. The machine is actually referring to my MP3 player. He is saying that I spent more time with it than to my friend. Actually there is a good reason behind it. If only the two of us is going out, you will never see me listening to my MP3 player. By the way, my MP3 player is not of any famous brand but just that I like it for what it is and the basic function it serves.
    I listen to my MP3 when I am out with a group of friends can be that I am tired and want out of the group to chill and relax myself and music is the best thing that can help me do so and all the songs in my player are sentimental and when I listen to them alone, I will even cry sometimes. Another reason I listen to my MP3 is that I hope to find some old memories in this songs and when I listen to them, I will think of a lot of things that is enjoyable. Forgive me but there is more than enough people around and I don’t see myself as such a important figure that can change any thing. I also don’t like to be an extra party so I rather let my friends enjoy themselves while I enjoy myself from the music I listen to.
    I like to remember the good old things as I am a really sentimental person. If my friends are enjoying themselves, I don’t see myself stepping in and spoil the fun of theirs. I am also not a group person and I don’t really feel comfortable with a large group. My friend, you should know me better than that. If you are enjoying yourself then it is good enough already. I am not really a group person so i don't see myself going into something I hate. But if you want can just ask of me, I will do anything for you. I even stepped into the place I never want to step in.
    In conclusion, I choose friends over machine but I will not forsake machine because it is what that keeps me company when I can't find friends around. But for you my friend, I will do anything that is righteous. Love you and miss me.

    zihao blogged at 1/01/2006 11:11:00 PM