Sunday, July 30, 2006
Currently in a warfare with the satan. And I am at the losing end. I have lost the joy in the lord and the blessings he give. I have fall into many of the traps that the satan have set upon my feet. Feeling the coldness of the world.
I have lose to the satan in many of the battle in this constant warfare. I can't find the energy to fight this war and I just hope for some great miracles to happen. It all began when my partner in war switch to another. Since then, I have lost the ability to fight and my strength starts to grow weaker by day. I am now tired of this battle and I hope to be out of it. It is easier for a private to back down than for a general to back down from the fight.
It may sound suprise but I have totally forgotten hoe to fast and to keep a prayerful lifestyle. I have forgotten how long since I last read my bible and truly pray. I have not pray for ******* for a long time and I really miss *******. I have this kind of experience before but this is the only time that I can't get over it. Emptiness grow into jealousy and jealousy grows hatred. Without you to fight this war with me, I am sure to lose every battle and even the war.
So near yet so far is just the words to describe my feeling. If you go through this day with me, you might just know why. I really need someone close to talk to. I need that listening ear and that comfort. Maybe a change of environment and a break with help.
zihao blogged at 7/30/2006 11:46:00 PM
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Saw "Real Talk" just now and it kept me thinking. The episode is about teenagers. Are we overly controlled by our parents or are we too pampered? Our parents want us to go the way that they feel is good for us but one day when we disobeyed, we become rebellious.
Is money the only way to link both the parents and children together.Is money everything we talk about? We are happy when our parents satisfied our desire but we get angry when we don't get what we want. When our parents do not have time with us, they use money as a substitute. But when they are not able to do so, we get angry and even start to raise our voice with them.
We often see the things on others before the person in them. We get concern about the branded things around and start to worship them. How many teenagers nowadays do not have a single branded object or clothing? But in the past, only a hand full of the children in Singapore have branded belongings. The only difference is that we are getting more affluence. We want every thing good and think that branded is equal to good.
I do not come from a very rich family and I am happy about it. I do not feel that money is everything and I am not those that will compete with others on how rich or how many branded things we have. So what if others have everything adidas have to offer and all the latest or that they have all the LV or Gucci products. I look for comfort and style no matter what brand they are. In fact one of the brand I like best is Hang Ten and they offer almost the cheapest priced goods. But they offer many of the best design the market have to offer. Others can compare as much as they like but I will just be listening and not joining in to compete. Being rich can buy many expensive goods but being poor doesn't mean they can't. But we have to see if we can afford those products. No point spending every single cent on branded products and have to reduce the money on food and other daily needs. I rather spend my money on food which can satisfy me better.
zihao blogged at 7/29/2006 05:22:00 PM
There was once this guy who is very much in love with his girl. This
romantic guy folded 1,000 pieces of paper cranes as a gift to his girl.
Although, at that time he was just a small fry in his company, his
future didn't seem too bright, they were very happy together. Until
one day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and will never come
back. She also told him that she cannot visualize any future for
both of them, so they went their own ways there and then...
Heartbroken, the guy agreed. But when he regained his confidence, he
worked hard day and night, slogging his body and mind just to make
something out of himself.
Finally with all the hard work and the help of friends, this guy had
set up his own company ..
You never fail until you stop trying. One rainy day, while this guy
was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain
walking to some destination. Even with the umbrella, they were still
drenched. It didn't take him long to realize they were his girl's
With a heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the
couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury sedan. He wanted them
to know that he wasn't the same any more; he had his own company, car,
condo, etc. He made it! What he saw next confused him, the couple was
walking towards a cemetery, and so he got out of his car and
followed...and he saw his girl, a photograph of her smiling sweetly as
ever at him from her tombstone and he saw his paper cranes right
beside her...
Her parents saw him. He asked them why this had happened. They
explained, she did not leave for France at all. She was ill with
cancer. She had believed that he will make it someday, but she did not
want to be his obstacle... therefore she had chosen to leave him.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you wa nt them to,
doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. She had wanted
her parents to put his paper cranes beside her, because, if the day
comes when fate brings him to her again...he can take some of those
back with him...
Once you have loved, you will always love. For what's in your mind may
escape but what's in your heart will remain forever.
The guy just wept...The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting
right beside her knowing you can't have her, see her or be with her
ever again.........hope you understand.
Find time to realize that there is one person who means so much to
you, for you might wake up one morning losing that person who you
thought meant nothing to you.
zihao blogged at 7/29/2006 03:04:00 PM
Thursday, July 27, 2006
From tomorrow onwards I will be seeing her more often and of longer duration. This is so cool. Never have I the chance to see her for more than a split second since so long ago when we work together on a certain project. I am looking forward to that very hour of the day and that the hours will extend. Not that I like what is going on at that hour but I just hope we can have the chance to talk a lot again. Maybe that we can sit close to each other and even next to each other I hope. God, grant me this chance.
I hope I am now able to move on from this destroyed undesirable friendship. Now that I can think and see clear, it shouldn't even have started. We are forcing each other in it and truly we are not really enjoying totally from it. I am certain more than ever that I am happy with my current lifestyle, my environment and those around me. Stay mutual keeps troubles away. Back to my previous lifestyle when I can truly be comfortable and can fully protect myself from hurts.
Got my trophy for badminton inter-house today. This is the first time I go up on stage infront of so many to receive an award. The feeling is inexpressible. To excel in your own sport and to lead a big group of people to victory. I look forward to more of this opportunity. I also look forward for a badminton marathon so I can play badminton non-stop and need not bother about what is going to happen next day or whether I go the energy left.
I sort of decided my career after my NS. No matter what my A level result is going to be, I will have to serve National Service. But after that, most likely I will not continue studying or maybe I will depending on what result I am going to get. But for sure I am going to get a badminton coaching license and start my coaching career. Look forward to that day that I can start coaching and earn my living. Then I can get my own car and play my life away.
zihao blogged at 7/27/2006 11:01:00 PM
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
How You Life Your Life |
 You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside. You tend to avoid confrontation and stay away from sticky situations. You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences. You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren't attainable. |
Your Power Color Is Lime Green |
 At Your Highest:
You are adventurous, witty, and a visionary.
At Your Lowest:
You feel misunderstood, like you don't fit in.
In Love:
You have a tough exterior, but can be very dedicated.
How You're Attractive:
Your self-awareness and confidence lights up a room.
Your Eternal Question:
"What else do I need in my life?" |
Your Emoticon is Sad |
 You're feeling a tad depressed right now. It will likely pass soon, but for now, you need some major cheering up! |
zihao blogged at 7/25/2006 10:37:00 PM
Monday, July 24, 2006
Evangel is one church where the youth can be very active. Monthly leaders prayer on Tuesday, G12/cell group on Wednesday, Hearts on fire on Friday, Heart.sports/outreach on Saturday and Sunday service. Most of the time will be in church. Its good as we can be close to God and be greatly expose to His words and be a better Christian. But it is just taking up so much time that we can sometimes lose track and fall back on other things such as studies and friends that is not from church.
Sometimes I ask myself am I in the right church. I got so many things that I want to do and to enjoy life but my time is filled with church. No doubt I do learn alot in church and have made many friends. But Christian are not all holy. Friends from other church do let me envy them sometimes. They have such close friendship and they are from the same school. The best part is that they can just share anything that they want and there is so many things about everyday life to chat about. "hey, Mr so-and-so made such a funny speech today and its so funny." "yah, the best part is the way he look."
But all that keeps me in Evangel is God. Unless he give me the "go" I will still stay in Evangel. If theres one thing I learn in church that is not to go against God. Now even more is the ministry I am in. I feel that the ministry demands more spiritual maturity compare to other ministry. Lachman always ask us how are we doing spiritually and how are we doing.
As time advance, everything changes. I remember when I first went to Evangel the people that I met and now, they are no where in sight. The cliques that I see is also not the same anymore. Simply put it that things are not the same. The joy of going to church feels different now. My personal friends have also changed alot. But all I hope for is the things of the past. People now all seems to have a hidden motive behind them.
zihao blogged at 7/24/2006 09:14:00 PM
Recently have been feeling weird. Not sure how to describe but is just this feeling that we all will have in our lifetime. It is more than a crush but not sure if it is love. We don't meet often as we are in different class. But we do have one or two common subject that we both take. Get to see her once in a while in school and we do smile and greet each other. It is that smile that captivate my heart. She is not the dream girl in my mind but love is something words can't explain.
Known her since that special event and we have nice chats and did many things together. Think that she too enjoy that time we spend together. Actually we should have known each other since alot time ago or should I say when this year started. We crap and joke together during this few short days and I really feel something different from usual. Now we might have more time to see each other and maybe joke and play together.
I am not sure if I should take the first step and I fear the reject. What should I do? I do not want to hurt the friendship and maybe the relationship. Lossing one dear friend is enough to bear and I do not want to be hurt again. What should I do? Not sure if I can control myself. She is just so different from other girls. She is an outstanding person.
GOD!!!! help me!!!...
zihao blogged at 7/24/2006 05:29:00 PM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
To be driven by emotion is easy, but to not be is tough. It is even so for me. I can like or even hate someone but if you want me to change my view it is virtually impossible. Of the deadly sins, I am trapped by Hatred and Jealousy. I tried but still can shake them off. I tried to forgive those I hate and not be jealous of things but I just can't let go.
We should not give in to our emotion when we work but often it is easier said than done. I tried to understand why people do different things but the more I find a reason, the more I have the reason to hate. I hate those who always think they did nothing wrong and that it is others fault that they need not be responsible at all. 'It takes two to clap' this doesn't seem to ring any bell in his lifetime. How can I not hate those who play with our feelings. Those who say one thing and does another. I also hate those who think they are good looking and god blessed that they need not work for anything in life. Not that I hate the blessing but that when he think he got god's blessing so he can do whatever he likes. Losing a friend to him is no big deal cause god will bless him with a better one.
How can anyone be set free from emotions that easily? I can when I am not into it but if I am trapped by any emotion, I am doom. I am sure to be hurt by it. I prefer to be confine and away from earthly emotions.
zihao blogged at 7/23/2006 03:08:00 PM
Friday, July 21, 2006
Sakae last friday at Northpoint
Sakae on monday at Causeway point
BK on Tuesday at Westmall
Mac on Wednesday at lucky chinatown
Carl's Jr on Thursday at Marina Square but fail due to anger on someonenotworthmentioning
Next makan location: Carl's Jr, Jing Jing dessert house, Jack's place,??????
Next makan kaki: aloy? adeline? yanchao? Or who???
zihao blogged at 7/21/2006 10:54:00 PM
Thursday, July 20, 2006
As Singaporeans, are we happy? A recent survey states that Singaporeans are ranked second among many countries to top the most unhappy list. So does that mean we are all not easily satisfied?
Many believe that joy is a synonym of happy. But in fact, there is a big difference between the two. Happiness is a short term pleasure and joy is a long term pleasure. Many of us can say we have happiness but not joy and that can clearly be shown in surveys. We are not happy for many reasons, to name a few: financial status, studies, results, our looks, capabilities and even those people around us. If we were to blame anyone, we can only blame the society. Well, isn't it a norm to always blame society for all this problems? But sad to say society really have a large part to play in all this. We are put in an environment that demands competition and staying on top. If we don't make the cut, we will be thrown aside. This is what makes everyone unhappy about things.
If anyone can truly say he/she is happy, I would not really believe. Can anyone say they got enough money? That they are very happy with their looks and given a chance would not want to change? They can live in a world with no branded things? That they are contempt with just walking and taking public transport and don't wish to own a car? That they do not wish to excel in the things they do? I seriously am not. I wish to have more money, better looks, sports car and all. I am often unhappy with myself not being able to achieve it all and even any other things I wish to achieve.
We really have to learn to see things as basic as possible. Just like the Americans at the country side. They live simple life and can do with whatever they had. They don't live for all the high-tech gadgets and all the fashionable products and all the branded goods. Even as Christians we can't avoid the fact that we worship material possessions. We can't stop ourself from buying and wanting all the branded things like Nike, Adidas, Levis, Gucci and LV. Sometimes we are unhappy that we do not have enough money and that we can't buy all this things that we want. So if we do not have the short term happiness, how do we find our long term joy???
zihao blogged at 7/20/2006 09:21:00 PM
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Went for sakae sushi today with yan chao to have lunch. We went to the Causeway point outlet as we have an early dismissal. It is because of GCE A level listening comprehension. We are not involve, so we went there to eat.
First thing we discover is that the sakae sushi is on the seventh storey. So high up and the whole area that it is located is so deserted. There is still renovation around the restaurant. No wonder not many people is in there. Also the service in there is very slow. Or maybe its just yanchao that's why they are slow. Haha, just kidding. The food is not that great and the best part is that we got this seat where we are able to use the computer to order our food. But to our amaze, the mouse is spoiled. So we are back to square one, using our hand and mouth to order.
Another discovery is the Timezone arcade just one storey below. While we were waiting for 3pm to come, we decided to watch people play games in the arcade. Someone caught my sight not because of her beauty but the fact that she is wearing school uniform and a thin jacket which can't cover her student identity. But apparently those working there is short-sighted. They can't see two girls inside playing and even when they buy the credits. After our meal, we decided to give it a try. We successfully entered and yan chao got to play a few games which screwed him up. I did not play any as I am not a fan of arcade games.
Then we went over to this corner which has a crowd of people. There was like 5 person playing at this huge sweet machine trying to get as many sweets as possible and also to get the grand prize, a soft toy and i like it alot. Maybe when I am rick I will go and play the machine. Anyway the discovery of the machine is one of the point I want to state. But I still want to focus my point and that is one of the worker or however they are called standing beside me looked at me with m uniform on and just walk away. This event let me discovered a place for students to enter in an arcade openly.
What a wonderful day, so many discovery.
zihao blogged at 7/18/2006 07:46:00 PM
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Maybe it is just to me but midnight always seems to be the darkest hour of my days. Many things and memories comes to me during that very hour. In the bible, Acts 16:25 also mention that midnight is the darkest hour of Paul and Silas. Maybe to many midnight is just another hour and nothing more but in fact at that very hour many things happen.
Midnight symbolize the beginning of a new day, a new hope. It can also symbolize the start of another tedious day. Midnight can also means time to party and enjoy life. To some it can mark the beginning or ending of working life. Midnight can have different meaning and understand for different people and no matter what, it will pass and it will come back again to haunt us.
To me, I would want to avoid midnight at all cost. During the day, whatever happens be it happy or sad it will end with the midnight drawing near. I can still remember a few occasions where I am having a lot of fun and just about to get high and to start enjoying the night but sadly with the coming of midnight, it marks the ending of all the joy. Many a times in my life I am cut off from joy by the call of midnight bell. Even when I think that I am enjoying some good times with a ex-close friend chatting and enjoying a day out, I am being murdered by the call of midnight. What ever good it once was is now ended with the coming of the midnight.
frankly speaking, I do not really like midnights and I also hope that I can stop time from moving and passing whenever I want. But sometimes it is good that midnight comes. Sometimes when we are facing a problem, we hope that time can pass by quickly so that we need not face that problem. Like when we are short of cash for the day and we need to go out and do many things, we just hope that the day can end quickly so we need not worry about it. Or when we have tons of work in the office and we just hope that Midnight can come and we can go back and rest.
With all this said, midnight can be a blessing and it can also be a curse. I used to hope that time can pass slowly so that I can enjoy all the good times but now, I just hope that midnight can come one after another without waiting for that 24 hours. I do not want to feel the miseries and all the thinking all the memories is causing a lot of sadness.
zihao blogged at 7/16/2006 10:35:00 PM
A true friend?I thought we were friends
i thought it was true,
i guess i was wrong
but what did i do to you?
i was always there
through thick and thin,
but what you did to me
was a friendship sin.
you were never my friend
because all you did was lie,
and when the truth came out
there was nothing to deny.
i didn't understand
how you could do this to me,
but i realized you only cared
about yourself being happy.
i feel so stupid for ever
being your friend,
and the true ones i have
will help my heart mend.
i hope when your with him
you think about me,
and what you did to our friendship
just to be happy.
changes"Friends forever," you promised.
"Together till the end."
we did everything with each other.
you were my best friend.
When i was sad, you were by my side.
when i was scared, you felt my fear.
you were my best support.
if i needed you, you were there.
you were the greatest friend,
you always knew what to say
you made everything seem better
as long as we had each other,
everything would be OK.
but somewhere along the line,
we slowly came apart.
I was here, you were there,
it tore a hole in my heart.
Things were changing, our cheerful music reversed its tune.
It was like having salt without pepper,
a sun without a moon.
suddenly we were miles apart,
two different people, with nothing the same.
it was as if we hadn't been friends,
although we knew deep in our hearts
neither one of us was to blame.
you had made many new friends
and luckily, so had i
but that didn't change the hurt
the loss of our friendship made me cry.
cannot give a good reasonWe've been friends forever
We never thought our friendship would break
I remember thinking we'd be friends ever and ever
Little did I know that dream was fake
The memories, they'll always last
Even if we do not
I know we always did have a blast
Oh and the laughs we've had...we had a lot
But things change
Just like the seasons
Even if it does sound strange
Life sommetimes can not give a good reason
zihao blogged at 7/16/2006 07:43:00 PM
Saturday, July 15, 2006
If I have a second chance, I would not want to study in JC. It is so stressful and not free time at all. Much of the time is spend in school and even so during days of tests and exams. I can also have some real holidays instead of spending most of my holiday back in school. I can also style my hair and even dye color on it. Maybe even have a chance to learn to better dress up myself .
If I have a second chance, I might not be in Evangel Family Church. I might be in another church where most of my friends are in the same school and can better share my problems. But no matter what, I will still choose to be a Christian. In YJC, there is some friends of a local church and I really hope that I can be in their church. The youth there seems vibrant and very closely bonded.
If I have a second chance, I might not do many things that I have done. Things like piercing my ear and buying things that I do not need. I would also have saved up more money and be able to feel better. I would also not say things I have said that might have hurt anyone or give a bad impression of me or anyone or anything around me.
If I have a second chance, I would have better choose my friends. Some friends I wish I never know who have been such bad influence and have nothing constructive to say or do. Those who have betrayed my trust and made use of me. Those that repay kindness with evil. Even those that made promises but fails to keep. But I would want to better my friendship with those who we are just acquaintance and can be better as friends. Those that was my primary school whom I have little contact with.
If I have a second chance, I might want to choose who are my parents. Not saying my current parents are not good but if I am born in a Christian family and in a super rich family and I can have a brother who enjoys the hobbies I like isn't it better.
In life we all hope for many more chances when we did something wrong or even when things go a different way from what we want. But how many of this 'second chance' do we have? How I wish I have the power to turn back time. To solve many miseries in life and to mend back many broken friendships. I wish I wish how i wish....
zihao blogged at 7/15/2006 08:41:00 PM
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Today was not one of the best days of school life. Lessons that is so taxing and bad news one after another. Saw the class block test result and I have to use a word to describe, it would be horrible. Its time for many hours of prayer for the class and even myself. Strive hard everyone.
In our GP lecture today was one teacher I don't really like, Mr sami. It was very boring and I don't really know what he is driving at. After that accompanied yan chao to look for Ms Ong to get a early dismissal for his injured knee. It is so dangerous to be involve in a sport that involve so much physical contact. Thank god I am in a game that have no comtact at all.
It is nice to find someone who feels the same about the bias school. We had nice chats and seriously, yan chao can be a very lame guy. Get it, lame in both context. haha. He also feels that the teachers can be very bias and that many rules in the school is a waste and can do without. Seriously, why must set a rule that we can't get any jerseys or class tees that is branded? If there is a brand on that shirt, doesn't it means that the shirt is branded? As in got brand. Hope we can have time for more chats in the future. He seems down and need people around him. Maybe I can help.
The turn of events motivated all in the school to start studying. Well, its time I go into my studies. Cya...
zihao blogged at 7/13/2006 10:34:00 PM
Christians, saints or scumbags? Well, I think there is Christians of both. Some is even both saint and a scumbag at the same time. It may just be the way we view them that says it all. Before my church starts the series, I hope to state my own views and lets see what should differ or be the same. I welcome all who wish to come and join me in this highly debatable topic.
Saints, one officially recognized especially through canonization as preeminent for holiness, one of God's chosen and usually Christian people. So by this defination, they are just and do what is right according to the laws in the bible. By their action, do glory to the temple of God and be a good testimony. The bible tells us that when we act in accordance with the word of the law and obeyed Him in all, all that is asked shall be added unto thee.
Scumbags on the other hand, is a dirty or despicable person. In this context, it should be one that make use of christianity and proclaim it in their own unrighteous act. An example can be that one claim that one is a christian but he worship the world and behave in the manner of the world and in so, claim that this is righteous and that they are in the new testament so they can ignore old laws.
This two is poles apart and there can be christians of both end. The good thing is that at least they make a decision to be on one end, some just are to afraid to let people know who they really are and they act in both manner. In front of christians, they are saints. They tell you they pray all the time and they are close to God and they blabber about how well they obey the law. But infront of non-believers, they drink and smoke and do all things unjust. If this is not all, they proclaim that what they did is alright and nothing wrong. Obviously they didn't read much of the bible.
I can't say I am a saint because I do make mistakes and disobeyed the law sometimes. I do have times i do not pray and behave ungodly. In fact many christians are like that. They are not perfect so they come before God and humble themselves to ask for forgiveness and guidence. So if anyone really dares to say they are saints, chances are that they are scumbags. But all this is merely my own opinion. I might be wrong as i am just mere human and thats why i need this series. Even more for those who don't know god. Welcome all who want to come for this series and for those interested please leave a message so i can give you more informations.
zihao blogged at 7/13/2006 09:59:00 PM
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Today in church heard a great sermon for both service. In Chinese service, we learn the right ways for Christians to behave in church. Many people come to church just wearing any t-shirt and short and slippers. This is not a market. Some wear until they are going on a fashion show, wearing all the branded things on them and carrying all the expensive goods. Well, show off your wealth somewhere else church is a place to worship god, not those things on you. Some girls wear clothes as if they are going to the bar, all the skimpy clothes and showing off part of their butts. All the branded clothing and even their underwear doesn't make them more Godly. We just need to wear something simple and yet presentable.
Second is that we never come with a true heart to worship God. What is on our mind is often when should we go after service? Where should we go for lunch and what to eat? Who to go out with later? We should come with the idea to worship God and God alone. Even after service, we should be thinking of how to serve God and not about those worldly things. Not saying that we should not eat or do anything after service, but often if we search our heart we look forward to the after church event than to what is going to be taught. We can always see groups of people hanging in groups about the church and they will be discussing about where to go and what to do more eagerly than how was the message and how we should react to it.
We should not bring any other feeling to the house of God. We should only have pure love to God alone. Some couples just hold hands or even kiss in public. Well this is a act of slander in the house of God. Many a times we also bring hatred for anyone to church and that is also not encourage for the very reason that all these act will only slander the house of God. Therefore, whoever performs all this will be punished.
In English service, we learn that whatever we do, we should have God's approval. If He agrees to some thing, or whatever he promise he will deliver. For example, if God want us to do something, even when we are unable to do God will miraculously achieve it with us. Even things like friendship, studies, work and relation. We should pray and ask God if this is the right choice or what choice should you make. Any approve path will be lighted with the lights of protection and assurance along it. If we disobeyed God and make a decision without praying or is not the will of God, many obstacle will come and hinder our way.
zihao blogged at 7/09/2006 06:21:00 PM
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Now watching X-men cartoon both the old one and the new X-men evolution. I love X-men since I came to know of it like in primary school. The comic book was also a nice collection but it is way too expensive and need to get a few episode to know one complete story. The cartoon was nice and I like the old one where Jean became the phoenix and give herself to save the world and the dark side that desire the emotions and pleasure of the world. But many youngsters now will just know of the X-men evolution and know nothing about the whole story. Even when watching the movie, people know nothing about the background and can only date back to the first movie. The movie did have nice effects but the real power of all the X-men has been demoted. The characteristics of all the mutants have also been underestimated. Anyway all the free time at home allows me to watch cartoon at this hour and maybe even to watch the world cup later on. But i am not a big fan of soccer and i watch just to know what is happening since it is a big event. My love is still with Badminton.
speaking of badminton, I miss playing it. I have not been able to play it for a long time since after the inter-JC. I miss playing Badminton with my previous partner Eugene and even Johny. We had alot of fun playing together and partnering each other. Although the time we had was short but i enjoy all of it, covering for each other and running about in the court. Hope we have the chance to play together again. Also miss playing with Elton. I like playing singles with him as i would have to run alot which is good training for me. It is also nice to see him improving alot since last year. Given more time, he might even be a very strong opponent to beat. I also had fun partnering him in doubles as we run like crazy in and out of the court trying to take every ball. It is just like tag team where only one of us is in the court each time.
Miss the good old days...Hope I can have the chance to play with Eugene, Johny and Elton together.....
zihao blogged at 7/05/2006 12:41:00 AM
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Ever had a crush on anyone? Feeling good of anyone? But that feeling never last. After a while, the feeling is gone. The love for a person can fade away with the passing of time. Ever been very high on a single singer or a particular band? Or any person for that matter. But after a while, you start to feel sick and the passion for the star fade away. Remember once your girlfriend or boyfriend told you that you two should break as the feeling is gone? Ever love a particular object and after a while, that feeling is gone and you switch to another object to fancy. Ever love a sport and after some time grow cold towards it and stop playing that sport?
Even friendship fade. Ever been close to a friend and after a while grow sick of that person? The joy of being with one another just loss its freshness. We just grow sick and want to look for a new environment. Also that we feel that we compromise too much and want a breathe of air.
Every thing is vulnerable to fading. That is just why we learn depreciating in every thing ranging from assets that is tangible to those that is intangible. From feeling to emotion. From good to bad. A sad memory will fade with the passing of time and things that hurt us badly from the pass will just seem like story to us now. So whatever it is, don't take matters to serious to the live and death situation. Just leave it to time and it can settle all matters and even heal wounds.
zihao blogged at 7/04/2006 08:26:00 PM
Monday, July 03, 2006
well, after going back to the doctor for a checkup for my chickenpox i got myself one more week of holiday. From today to thursday and maybe even a holiday for me on friday. Its a good thing as i got more time to finish up my economics essay and maybe do some math exercise. I know it is a bit weird but i miss school already. So many days not being in school and missing out on alot of things and even new topics in lesson. Man i am so going to lag behind. All the complaining about short holidays and now i got myself a long one but not being able to fully utilize it. Feel so sick of resting at home and really want to return to school. Crapping with everyone and having lunch together and going lectures and feeling cold together. I miss school!!! Now maybe i got more homework waiting for me to do. sick...
Now the world cup is into the semi and i hope the teams that i support makes it into the finals or maybe champion. I support portugal to win and other teams i support is germany and brazil(too bad they are out, but i can't believe they lost). For the finals i just hope France and Italy doesn't win. France shouldn't win for a good reason that Zidane can finally retire as he wished.
zihao blogged at 7/03/2006 10:25:00 PM