Saturday, March 31, 2007
I was thinking of this question in recent days. Where will I be after I die? If you don't know, I am a christian. But the question is still very dubious.
If you ask christian, they will tell you that they will go to heaven because they know Jesus and He sacrifice for our entry into his kingdom. But is it that simple? In the bible, it mentioned the way to lead a blameless life and be Christ-like so that we can gain the chance. In our everyday life, how many things we do is not being justifiable? I don't agree with the thinking of repenting every week and think we can go away blameless. True, we can repent our sins and seek forgiveness. But it is not right to have the thinking that we can do whatever we want then come to God once a week and aspect that He forgive us. He might but we will still be marked as unfaithful.
We often take things for granted. Even in the matter of God. To enter into heaven is not as easy as we think. Seriously, I don't think I have met the criteria. Some might think that we are all sinful in nature so don't worry. God is merciful. God may be merciful, we may be sinners but that is no reason that we should compromise. If there is this day that God stand before you, what would you say that will gain his favour? It is not by work or by any ties that we have. It is by doing in accordance to what the father commands. This may sound harsh by it is true. Search our hearts my fellow christian out there. Are you sure you will pass the test? To my non-christian friends, heaven is real so is hell.
Where do we hope to end up after we pass away? To be able to sit beside the throne of the father? Or to suffer torment in hell? Don't base your answers on a blind faith. Take a moment to think it through. I am not promoting my religion by the way. Have we really done what is demanded of us? Or our we compromising on our ways? It is in the every single action and thought that will prove our christ-likeness. I can tell you that I have not reach that level yet. I do do things that is not right and not glorifying to God. I seek forgiveness and I really ask God to guide me. Friends who know me for very long will see the changes in me. I am not perfect but I will seek help in changing my attitude. To be just like Jesus means throwing away the old me and donning a new me. It is a difficult process that we must all go through. It will confirm our faith and transform us to a better person.
In the process, we will have to sacrifice a lot. What we treasure most, our hardwork for many years, our hobbies and even our best friends. It is often a journey of loneliness. Who will understand you so well except God himself? God give us each a different route to walk. Take me for example. After my duty on Sunday, all I hope for is a good drink and chat with one or two close friends to relax and prepare for the new challenges the next day. But many a times who I seek for is not found in church. I can only turn to my worldly friends. It takes a lot of courage and restrain to know what to do and what not when what they care most is to have fun. Christians hope for a ministry, but me, I just hope to be who I am. Not being tied down and be free. Serve God without being known. I don't mind being misunderstood. But I just need someone there to give me support in all that I do.
Jesus in his earthly walk is also a lonely one. Even his favourite disciple do not understand him. The prophets misunderstood him. The people thinks his mad. His disciple is ashamed because of him. What he have is the support of Mary who never give up. How many of such friends do we have? To help us grow and support us in their every way possible. Not asking for recognition but just that simple friendship.
So let us take some time to really think about it. Need not be a christian to think about this issue. Are we doing what is right? Is our actions accountable? Where is the final destination in our life? For those who do not know Jesus, I hope you give him a chance. Get to know him in a personal way. Give me a call or tag if you are interested.
zihao blogged at 3/31/2007 11:08:00 AM